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Zicam Side Effects

The US Food and Drug Administration has warned consumers to stop using three Zicam Cold Remedy products because those products have been linked to potentially serious Zicam side effects, including, reportedly, the loss of the sense of smell (known as anosmia). The reported Zicam smell loss apparently can occur within a few uses of the Zicam Cold Remedy products. Products linked to the Zicam loss of smell in the FDA's advisory are Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel, Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs and Zicam Cold Remedy Swabs, Kids Size (this last product has been discontinued).


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Zicam Smell Loss

The US Food and Drug Administration has warned consumers to stop using three Zicam Cold Remedy Products after the products were linked to the loss of the sense of smell (anosmia). The FDA made the announcement after receiving more than 130 reports of anosmia linked to the products. The onset of Zicam smell loss varied, with some patients reporting it after the first dose of cold remedy, while others reported the condition after multiple uses of the product.

Zicam loss of smell and tasteThe products named in the FDA's advisory are Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel, Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs and Zicam Cold Remedy Swabs, Kids Size (a discontinued product).

"Loss of sense of smell is a serious risk for people who use these products for relief from cold symptoms,"said Janet Woodcock, M.D., director of the FDA' Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). "We are concerned that consumers may unknowingly use a product that could cause serious harm, and therefore we are advising them not to use these products for any reason."

Zicam is an over-the-counter nasal solution and cold remedy that is applied either by spraying or swabbing the product directly onto the nasal surface. Patients reportedly complained about an intense burning sensation in their nasal cavity immediately after using the Zicam product. This was followed by a loss of the sense of smell after the cold symptoms cleared up. Anosmia is also linked to a decrease in the ability to taste.

In addition to decreasing quality of life, loss of sense of smell can be dangerous for people. Some signs of danger include the smell of gas or smoke, which people with anosmia would not be able to detect. Furthermore, patients who work in the food industry or who rely on the senses of small and taste for their employment could find their work affected by anosmia.

Zicam Loss of Smell

Patients who think they have been harmed by use of Zicam require a diagnosis of anosmia. The University of Pennsylfania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) can be done at home by patients who are concerned they have lost their sense of smell. The test involves four booklets containing odors in a "scratch-and-sniff" form. The patient is asked to smell each odor and identify, through multiple-choice format, each smell. Scores on the test can indicate the degree of damage to the olfactory system. An UPSIT test can be ordered online and usually costs between $30 to $50.

The UPSIT test is a universally accepted test to determine olfactory dysfunction and is designed to identify subjects who may exaggerate their smell disability. Physicians can also perform tests to determine the degree of deterioration of a patient's olfactory system.

Patients who suffered a permanent loss of smell, either fully or partially, should have a test done to prove anosmia—either the UPSIT test or a test provided by a physician.

Zicam Smell

Zicam contains the active ingredient Zincum Gluconicum (also known as Zinc Gluconate). This active ingredient has been linked to nasal nerve damage and is believed to cause a caustic action on the nasal passages that leads to a loss of the sense of smell.

Zicam is manufactured by Matrixx. Matrixx's line of products includes Zicam Cold Remedy, Zicam Allergy Relief, Zicam Maximum Strength Flu and more. The FDA has sent Matrixx a warning letter, advising the company that these products cannot be marketed without FDA approval. Matrixx has countered the FDA's warning saying there is no well-controlled scientific study to determine cause-and-effect between use of Zicam and problems with the sense of smell.

Not all Zicam-brand products were affected by the FDA's warning. Products that are taken orally have not been linked to anosmia, nor have products that do not contain zinc. Only those that have an intranasal application and contain zinc are cited by the FDA as a potential risk.

According to Matrixx's 2009 annual report, the company entertained settlement discussions regarding claims related to the single hole pump product. That product has not been on store shelves since around 2005 and had an expiry date of 2008. Patients who used any intranasal Zicam product that contained zinc and suffered permanent loss of sense of smell may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Matrixx.

Since the FDA's warning letter was sent, Matrixx has stopped selling Zicam in an intranasal format. Zicam cold remedies are now available in oral formats.

Zicam Loss of Smell Legal Help

If you or a loved one has suffered the loss of smell after using Zicam, you may qualify for damages or remedies that may be awarded in a possible class action lawsuit. Please fill out the form to submit your complaint.
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Zicam Lawsuit Reportedly Settled
Zicam Lawsuit Reportedly Settled
January 27, 2012
A man who filed a Zicam lawsuit alleging he suffered from Zicam side effects has reportedly settled his lawsuit. The man claimed he developed permanent Zicam smell loss after using the nasal spray just one time. READ MORE

Scientists Address Anosmia, One of Zicam Side Effects
Scientists Address Anosmia, One of Zicam Side Effects
December 29, 2011
Scientists have conducted research at several California universities in order to determine the possible causes and potential remedies for anosmia, one of the alleged Zicam side effects, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. READ MORE

Allegations about Zicam Smell Loss Raised in 2006
Allegations about Zicam Smell Loss Raised in 2006
November 11, 2011
When it comes to using medications, patients are sometimes willing to risk some side effects to treat a condition, but when the side effects can be permanent, as with the alleged Zicam side effects, patients may not be so willing to take that risk. In 2009, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning about Zicam side effects, reportedly including a risk of the loss of sense of smell. Although the warning came in 2009, it was reportedly not the first time the maker of Zicam heard allegations of Zicam smell loss. READ MORE


Posted by

The Zicam nasal SPRAY has no zinc in it at all. It is other herbal things. Many people automatically are lumping their spray into the group. Check the back. It is not part of the issue identified by the FDA

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Use of Zicam nasal swabs and nasal spray. Loss of smell. I can smell but something has to be really STRONG for me to notice. I am a Wound Nurse and I should be able to rely on this sense but I am unable to.


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